We know that managing grants can be confusing, and we’re here to help.

When you don’t have an effective strategy in place to manage and store your grant data and documents, it is easy to make mistakes. Mistakes can put your program objectives at risk, harm your relationship with funders, and potentially prevent you from getting funding in the future. In some cases, they can result in having to pay back the award.

To help you avoid mistakes, we want to give you 3 tips that will help you manage your grants effectively, report efficiently, and perform well in the Single Audit so you can keep winning more funding in the future.

1. Create and Standardize Processes

One of the best ways to organize and manage your grants is to create standard processes.

Establishing standard processes:

  • Gives insight into your program’s financials.
  • Helps you stick to the project timeline.
  • Puts you in a better position for the Single Audit. 

Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) requires you to report on your financial progress (i.e., your "performance") to your funder at least once a year, but you don’t have to wait until the end of the year to run these reports.

By creating a standard process to run reports for yourself once a quarter, or even once a month, you can fix inconsistencies between your budget and expenses before they get out of hand.

Here is an example of a simple standardized monthly reporting process:

  • Run a budget status report at the end of every month.
  • Review budget discrepancies and correct/resolve them as necessary.
  • Review expenditures and double check that the expenses are allowable.
  • Establish a sign-off procedure with another team member to ensure these activities have been performed and double checked.

Standardized processes like this help you catch problems early, fix them faster, and ensure you have the records and receipts you need before closeout.

A grant management system (GMS) can help you run reports anytime you want with just a few clicks, plus automation of standard workflows. If you don't have a GMS, you will have to manually collect all this data. Make sure you document everything correctly and ensure the right people are signing off on every step.

Related Reading: 3 Ways Grant Management Software Supports Compliance

2. Effectively Manage Your Calendar

Between application deadlines, reporting deadlines, and day-to-day tasks, it can feel like there are just too many dates to remember. Keeping track of deadlines is something that trips up even the most seasoned grants professionals but managing them effectively is essential. Missing application deadlines means you don’t receive critical funding, and missing reporting deadlines can put you at risk of noncompliance.

Creating a grant calendar with automated reminders helps you stay on top of deadlines and tasks in addition to helping you plan effectively. For example, AmpliFund features a calendar that automatically imports your tasks and deadlines, gives you and your team visibility into what is due and when, and sends you email reminders to help ensure nothing slips through the cracks.

You can still track of deadlines by setting task/deadline reminders with your digital calendar if you don't have a GMS, but you will have to do a lot more work to import the individual tasks and make sure you’re communicating everything to your stakeholders so they can keep track too.

Related Reading: Centralizing Your Grants Management Practice with Limited Resources

3. Centralize Everything

Does the thought of sorting through hundreds of paper records and receipts at the end of the year fill you with dread?

When you are managing an award, all your receipts, records, and internal communications can overwhelm you you're trying to cross-reference everything saved on paper with the data you have recorded in spreadsheets.

If all your grant data isn’t centralized in one system, it can result in a lot of headaches and anxiety. Even more, it can end in lost drawdown, noncompliance, and reduced opportunities for winning future funding.

Grant data centralization is much more efficient with grant management software. A GMS becomes the single source of truth—housing all your data, documents, and internal communications in one place. As a cloud-based system, this gives you access to everything you need whenever you need it.

With AmpliFund, for example, you can pull any type of data from the system into reports to monitor progress, communications, and documentation in a matter of minutes because it’s all stored in the same place. You can even create custom reports to track information for your specific needs.

As a bonus, centralizing your grant data in AmpliFund streamlines audits later down the road and shows funders that you have the program infrastructure in place to manage more funding in the future.    

Related Reading: Discover how Kalamazoo County implemented a GMS to centralize data and standardize processes.


Learn more about the practical application of grant data centralization with our Grant Management Centralization Guide.

grant management centralization guide image email-2


Download the Guide

*Photo by Stefan Dahl from Canva.

Topics: Local, Drive Best Practices, Tribal, State

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