
Getting Ahead of 2025 Grant Management Challenges

An Amplifund Webinar Series

Webinar #2 - Effective Grant Budgeting and Easier Financial Reporting

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Effective Grant Budgeting and Easier Financial Reporting

How you create and maintain your grant budget is essential to meeting funder reporting requirements and maintaining compliance with internal financial policies and processes. Accurate and comprehensive grant budgets and spend plans are key for an organization to effectively scope and implement their projects, empowering them to track and monitor progress as well as identify risks that need to be mitigated along the way.

Once the budget plan is built, you’ll need a process for tracking, reconciliation, and reporting (which all becomes more complex if you are also regranting funds). Ultimately, all of this should not only support your compliance efforts but also amplify the impact of your programs. While essential, it can certainly feel daunting.

In this webinar, we will cover:

  • The essentials of budgeting for grant projects.
  • Financial reporting requirements and best practices.
  • How a grant management system (GMS) can complement an ERP or financial system.

You'll walk away with:

Our Grant Compliance & Reporting Toolkit. This toolkit brings together all our Grant Compliance and Reporting resources to help you stay on track, maintain compliance, and maximize the impact of your grant funds.


Dan Holtz, CGMS, LSSGB

Director of Implementation Services, AmpliFund

Formerly a financial analyst with the Department of Defense, Dan brought his experience aligning systems and processes with the requirements of federal programs to AmpliFund in 2018. A Certified Grant Management Specialist, he oversees a team of implementation leads and also directly manages implementation for a variety of customers. His goal is to instill best practices for data management and process creation to increase drawdown, decrease risk, and amplify the impact of grant programs.

Getting Ahead of 2025 Grant Management Challenges

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