
Getting Ahead of 2025 Grant Management Challenges

An Amplifund Webinar Series

Live Demo: Overcome Challenges with Grant Management Software

Wednesday, February 26, 2025 | 12-12:45p ET

Live Demo: Overcome Challenges with Grant Management Software

Effectively getting ahead of grant management challenges requires a combination of the right processes and the right technology. The other webinars in this series address the processes. This webinar provides you the opportunity to see how a grant management system (GMS) enables those processes and much more.

This demonstration will be aligned with the best practices featured in the series—from establishing budgets and managing grant finances to award closeout. We’ll also take a step back to look holistically at how you can leverage our GMS to reduce administrative burden, streamline processes, centralize documents and data, and create reports that demonstrate both compliance and impact.

You'll walk away with:

Our Why GMS? Making the Case Explainer and our GMS Requirements Worksheet.

Together, these pieces will help you cast a vision for the benefits of implementing a GMS, clearly dictate and prioritize features, and build your case for a GMS purchase.

Webinar Registration -- Free to Attend


Interested in a Personalized Demo?

We can personalize a demo so you can discover how AmpliFund can streamline your grant management process and increase your impact.

Request a Demo Today!


Brittani Ellis

Sr. Enterprise Sales Executive, AmpliFund

Brittani Ellis is a highly experienced Senior Enterprise Sales Executive at AmpliFund, boasting a decade of proficiency in her role. Her commitment to excellence, paired with a profound comprehension of client needs, positions Brittani as a respected advisor within the grant management space. She proves to be an invaluable asset to assist public sector agencies in achieving their grant-related goals. Brittani's articulate communication of AmpliFund's value and her skill in understanding and tailoring solutions to meet precise client objectives have been instrumental in contributing to the success of many organizations.


Andrew Brooks

Director of Sales Development and Solutions Engineering, AmpliFund

Andrew Brooks is a seasoned professional in the field of grant management solutions, serving as a Director of Sales Development and Solutions Engineering at AmpliFund. He plays a crucial role in demonstrating innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of public sector agencies and is dedicated to empowering them with ways to enhance efficiency and transparency in grant administration. Andrew’s passion for leveraging technology to drive positive outcomes underscores his role as an asset to both AmpliFund and the clients he serves.

Getting Ahead of 2025 Grant Management Challenges

Managing Change: Foundations for Grants Professionals

Grant management requires continual change. Whether you're new to change management or an experienced practitioner, this webinar offers valuable insights into how grant professionals can successfully navigate the complexities of organizational change.

View Now

Effective Grant Budgeting and Easier Financial Reporting

In this webinar, we will cover the essentials of budgeting for grant projects; financial reporting requirements and best practices; how a grant management system (GMS) can complement an ERP or financial system.

View Now

Live Demo: Overcome Challenges with Grant Management Software

Feb 26th - Effectively getting ahead of grant management challenges requires a combination of the right processes and the right technology. This demonstration will show how you can leverage our GMS to reduce administrative burden, streamline processes, centralize documents and data, and create reports that demonstrate both compliance and impact.


Award Closeout: Let’s Start at the Beginning

Mar 4th - In this webinar we’ll cover what’s needed for closeout – for both the grant maker and recipients; common missteps that you can avoid; practical strategies for successful closeout.
