Grant Management Resources | AmpliFund

Explainer: Treasury’s SLFRF Interim Final Rule on Obligation and Updated FAQs

Written by Adam Roth | May 14, 2024 4:18:43 PM

This guide reviews how local governments can maintain compliance and manage subrecipients by implementing standard processes for monitoring and tracking grants.

One of the biggest issues for the local government single audit is subrecipient management. According to the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG), local governments awarding Federal pass-through funds to subrecipients are responsible for their subrecipient’s budget and compliance. They have an obligation to monitor their performance and take action to ensure Federal funds are spent in a necessary and reasonable manner.

Monitoring and tracking subrecipient audits are a challenge for all localities, large or small, but it is especially challenging for those with fewer resources. Additionally, local governments tend to fund programs that have a large community impact, yet also may be smaller on average with fewer resources. While this is impactful for the community, these programs don’t always have the grant infrastructure in place to manage a Federal award, which can lead to compliance challenges if improperly managed.

This guide will expand on tips for reducing the administrative burden associated with monitoring subrecipient progress, such as:

  1. Setting clear expectations
  2. Creating a standard process for data collection
  3. Ensuring transparent communication and aggregating data for reporting