Grant Management Software That Helps You Provide Affordable Education

Modernize Your Grant Management

Stand Out from the Award Competition

Increase Institution-Wide Funding Transparency

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Does Your Institution Struggle to Keep Up with Managing Funds?


Is the increasing competition for educational grant dollars causing you to lose out on funding?

Are you struggling to properly track your grant performance as performance-based funding continues to emerge for higher education institutions?

Is your institution still relying on outdated paper processes and spreadsheets?

Do you lack institution-wide centralization when it comes to grant management?

Have you unknowingly created internal, institution-wide competition for funding?

Is the variety of grant types that support educational institutions becoming overwhelming for your college to manage?

AmpliFund software gives you everything you need to properly manage your grants to maximize your higher education grants funding and eliminates all the guesswork.

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Manage Thousands of Grants a Year and Get the Reporting You Deserve, All From One Dashboard

Here’s How We Distribute Grants and Improve
Drawdown of Your Funding


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Helping You Provide an Affordable Option for Higher Education and Innovation

If you are managing higher education grants, you need to efficiently manage your grant portfolio to help your institution continue testing new pedagogical methods, funding academic studies, and supporting operational costs that make college affordable to students. But challenges along the grant lifecycle are making educational awards harder to secure and manage.

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